What is a VMAX?

VMAX - Virtual Matrix Architecture, short for "Symmetrix VMAX," is a family of high-end storage systems developed by Dell EMC (formerly EMC Corporation). VMAX systems are known for their scalability, high performance, and reliability, making them suitable for large enterprises and data centers with demanding storage requirements. VMAX storage systems offer features such as advanced data protection, disaster recovery, and integration with virtualization technologies.

VMAX Storage Allocation Steps:

SymCLI Commands

Device Mapping:

Check if a specific device is not mapped to a Front-End port

symdev -sid 1234 list -noport -range <Dev1:Dev10>
symdev -sid 1234 list -noport

Front-end Port Mapping

List devices mapped to a Front-end Port with no masking per port

symaccess -sid 1234 list -no_assignment -dirport 10g:1

List devices mapped to a Front-end Port with no masking all ports

symaccess -sid 1234 list -no_assignment

Masking View and Initiator Group

Show maskingview assignments for a device

symaccess -sid 1234 list assignment -dev 1c5c

List All WWNs/hosts/initiators logged into a FA

symaccess -sid 1234 list logins -dirport 11e:0

To view a particular server masking view

symaccess -sid 1234 show view "masking view name"

Storage Group

List All Storage Groups that a device belongs to

symaccess -sid 1234 list -type storage -dev DEV01:DEV10

Assigning devices to Storge group while creating the Storage Group

symaccess create -name "groupname" -type storage devs DEV01:DEV10

Assigning devices belongs to an existing Storage Group

symaccess -sid 1234 -name SERVERNAME_SG add -type storage dev DEV01

Removing / unallocating device from Storage Group

symaccess -sid 1234 -type storage -name STORAGEGROUPNAME remove devs xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx

Thin Pools

List all thin pools on an array

symcfg -sid 1234 list -pool -thin -detail

Monitor a particular thinpool

symcfg monitor -sid 1234 -thin -pool PoolName -mb

Port Group Management

Creat PortGroup and assign ports while creating PG

symaccess -sid 1234 create -name ServerName_PG -type port -dirport 7a:0

Assign ports to existing portgroup ServerName_PG

symaccess -sid 1234 -name ServerName_PG add -type port -dirport 10a:0

Initiator Group Management

Create initiator group and assign host wwn

symaccess -sid 1234 create -name ServerName_IG -type initiator -wwn XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1

Add host wwns to existing Initiator group

symaccess -sid 1234 -name ServerName_IG add -type initiator -wwn XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX2

Replace wwn in masking database ( helpful when replacing failed HBA's)

symaccess -sid 1234 replace OLD_WWN -new_wwn NEW_WWN

Masking View Management

symaccess -sid 1234 create view -name ServerName_MV -sg ServerName_SG -pg ServerName_PG -ig ServerName_IG 

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

symstat -sid 1234
symevent -sid 1234 list
symcfg list -sid 1234

Data Migration

symmir -sid 1234 -g my_mir_group establish dev 0123 dev 0456
symrdf -sid 1234 -rdfg my_rdf_group establish -full dev 0123 dev 0456

Performance Tuning

symfast -sid 1234 allocate -capacity 1000 -pool my_pool -type striped -prealloc enable

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